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The demand for untraditional heroes has risen.

Today we want to see a hero with a dark side, a hero haunted by the past, a hero seeking redemption, and so on. In fact, many of the heroes we get today are not quite heroes at all—they’re anti-heroes.They’re dark and complex. They’ll use any means necessary to get what they want. Even when they’re running from the law we’re cheering them on. 


There’s one thing you need to understand before moving forward. Anti-heroes and villains are different. You’re supposed to root for the anti-hero—to want them to succeed, to get away with their crimes, etc.


Anti-heroes are still heroes, they’re just not the sort of people you’d want your kids looking up to. They’re not the sort of people you’d want to get involved with. The question is: why? If, in real life, we wouldn’t want to be around these people why do we even like the anti-hero?

This site is an extension of my original essay, in which I took a look at Loki and why fans fall in love with him. On this site, I’ve decided to focus on anti-heroes; more specifically, I’ll be taking a look at anti-heros from America’s Golden Age of Television (also known as the Second and sometimes the Third Golden Age of Television) who are the stars of their respective shows, beginning with The Sopranos.


Why? Well, because I love anti-heroes. I’m fascinated by them, and the increasing popularity of shows centered on anti-heroes (i.e. Breaking Bad) suggests that other viewers are fascinated by them as well. And while some are generally considered more redeemable than others, most of them are people who should probably be in jail.

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